Masats receives DIN 6701 certification

Masats receives railway adhesive bonding standard certification
The auditor TC KLEBEN has certified Masats pursuant to the railway adhesive bonding standard DIN 6701 (Class A1 in design, planning, production, repairs and subcontracting). This standard defines the quality requirements for adhesive bonding technology.
Masats was already DIN 6701 certified for design, process design, purchase, sales and assembly of bonded components.
This certification has now been expanded and enables in-company production; in other words, bonding railway components such as passenger door glass with adhesives by complying with the sector’s high-level safety restrictions.
Achieving this certification also involved building a 152 m2 white room to be able to glue glass in an environment that meets the demanding conditions of cleanliness, temperature and moisture required to ensure quality work. The room is subject to atmospheric overpressure to prevent dust from entering.
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